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Gartner’s Top 3 Articles On Shadow IT

Gartner's Top 3 Articles On Shadow IT

Gartner predicted 30% breaches due to Shadow IT by 2020. This is just one part of how critical this risk area is for the enterprise space. We have put together some of the top resources from Gartner on Shadow IT along with the links to the detailed reports and articles. This will help you get a quick run through the top resources from Gartner on Shadow IT. Here are some top resources on Shadow IT from Gartner we found on the internet. 

    • Make The Best Of Shadow IT This article gives 4 quick tips to help make the best of Shadow IT. It includes building a deep network of business contacts, offer generalized help to business-led projects, integration issues early between IT and the business, open community of practice for all PMs so that you have some influence and more. Read more here
    • Don’t Let Shadow IT Put Your Business At Risk “Most organizations grossly underestimate the number of shadow IT applications already in use,” says Lowans. This gives us an idea of the risk. This article deals with the various aspects of shadow IT in the cloud. This article includes tips on Data Security Governance, Data Protection Tools, Security Policies & more. Read more here
    • Gartner 7 Top Security Predictions For 2017 This article has top 7 major predictions in security by Gartner. A major one being 33% of security breaches is predicted to happen due to Shadow IT by 2020. It’s an interesting read apart from the Shadow IT aspect. It includes predictions like how AI, automation, and cloud visibility will shape the future of IT security, by 2020 investment in artificial intelligence/machine learning-based tools for IT resilience orchestration automation will more than triple, helping reduce business outages from cascading IT failures & many more. Read more here


