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See Your External Attack Surface & Risks That Attackers Can View & Exploit From Outside

Request a demo to find out why and how our customers use the FireCompass Platform to enumerate their exposures.

See your organization’s external attack surface & risks that attackers can view & exploit from outside. Find out how FireCompass can help:

  1. Discover all assets and risks including Unsanctioned Cloud Assets, Digital Footprint, Phishing Risks, Misconfigured Infrastructure, and more.
  2. Continuously test your security defenses against real attacks.
  3. Know your security gaps and prioritize risks before they are exploited.

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"The tool has exceeded our expectations"

- Risk Manager, Sprint USA (now part of T-Mobile)
Sprint Logo 2

Single Platform For Continuous Discovery & Testing Of Your External Attack Surface

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Identify all IPs, Applications, exposed database/cloud buckets, code leaks, leaked credentials, vulnerabilities, exposed test/pre-production systems, etc.

Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART)

Launches multi-stage attacks on your attack surface and identifies the breach and attack paths.

Ransomware Attack Surface Testing (RAST)

Discover ransomware attack surface and it’s risk by scanning entire internet for risky assets potentially belonging to the organization