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Continuous Ransomware Risk Assessment & Attack Surface Testing

Discover Riskiest Ports and Services Most Targeted by Ransomware Threats

"There are millions of systems with RDP ports exposed online, and this makes RDP a great attack vector for ransomware operators..."

300% Rise in Ransomware Attacks

Over 30% of reported cyber incidents in 2020 were attributable to ransomware and this may be underreported due to the stigma attached to reporting successful ransomware attacks.

Major Reasons for Increasing Ransomware Attacks: 

  1. Poor Cybersecurity: Organizations that do not have adequate cybersecurity measures in place are more vulnerable to ransomware attacks.
  2. Lack of Awareness: A lack of awareness of cybersecurity threats and how to protect against them can make an organization more susceptible to ransomware attacks.
  3. Geopolitical Tensions: Cybercriminals often take advantage of geopolitical tensions to launch ransomware attacks.
  4. Vulnerability of Internet-Connected Devices: The increasing prevalence of Internet-connected devices, such as IoT devices, has created more opportunities for ransomware attacks.
  5. Growing Use of Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency has become a popular payment method for ransomware attackers, as it is difficult to trace and provides anonymity.
  6. Increased reliance on Work From Home: There are more pathways into the network opened to enable remote workers.

At FireCompass we know that ransomware risk assessment is necessary if your organization is unable to answer questions like Recovery Readiness, Data and Operational Resilience, Business Impact, Defense Technology Readiness against real world attacks, and Ability to Detect and Respond to Phishing Attacks.

Gartner report shows that over 90% of ransomware attacks are preventable… security and risk management leaders can mitigate the risk..


How FireCompass Helps

No Software. No Hardware. No Additional Resources.

Discover & Monitor for Risky Ports

FireCompass helps your organization to evade ransomware that attacks risky ports and services such as FTP, RDP, and HTTP which account for about 50% of ransomware.

Reduce Your Digital Attack Surface

FireCompass helps organizations to reduce their Digital Attack Surface by identifying all unnecessary open ports/services & all possible vulnerabilities from Known and Unknown assets

Monitor Continuously & Get Real Time Alerts

FireCompass continuously analyzes the internet and provides alerts on any changes or risks associated with your digital footprint.

Discover & Monitor Risky Ports

FireCompass runs continuously and indexes the deep, dark and surface web using the same reconnaissance techniques as nation-state actors. The platform automatically discovers an organization’s ever-changing digital attack surface, including exposed risky open ports like FTP, RDP, HTTP & more. For most ransomware attacks in 2020, RDP was the most common intrusion method used by threat actors.

Firecompass Dashboard in detail
FireCompass Dashboard on vulnerabilities

Reduce Your Digital Attack Surface

Reduce your digital attack surface with the Firecompass Platform by providing visibility into your web applications and cloud environments. It uses advanced scanning and monitoring to identify risks and vulnerabilities, and provides actionable recommendations to help you reduce your attack surface. Firecompass can also detect malicious activity and provide real-time threat intelligence to help you respond quickly to potential threats. Additionally, Firecompass provides automated compliance monitoring to ensure that your security posture meets the necessary standards.

  • Identify malicious infrastructure or domains that might be leveraged for phishing and other ransomware activities.
  • Determining the exposed APIs, RDP, FTP, and HTTP systems that may be used to plant ransomware directly.
  • Determining the exposed documents & files, IoT infrastructure and anything that may be used to weaponize and target ransomware.
  • Automatically attribute assets for streamlined communication with owners to remove attack vectors quickly and efficiently.

Monitor Continuously - Get Real-Time Alerts

FireCompass continuously analyzes the internet and provides alerts on any changes or risks associated with your digital footprint.  This includes new ports, exposed RDP, risky assets, misconfigured databases, or any internet-facing infrastructure.

FireCompass dashboard risk meter

Benefits of Using FireCompass

Attack Surface

FireCompass helps to reduce attack surface by providing Digital Attack Surface Visibility & Mapping to help organizations remove assets which are not in use or not required.

Risk Based

The FireCompass platform identifies, analyses and prioritizes digital risks. The dashboard summarizes the high, medium, and low priority risks and recommends mitigation steps.

Continuous Attack
Surface Testing

Continuously Test Your Entire Attack Surface and alert on any changes, including vulnerabilities, new ports or other changes to internet-facing infrastructure.

Frequently Asked Questions

  •   •   Identify Potential Risks: FireCompass helps organizations identify potential risks of ransomware attack, such as vulnerable systems, weak passwords, and outdated software. This helps companies prioritize security measures and take preventive measures to protect their data.
  •   •   Develop a Comprehensive Plan: FireCompass helps organizations develop a comprehensive plan for ransomware protection. From identifying and patching vulnerable systems, to implementing effective backups, FireCompass enables organizations to create a comprehensive plan to protect against ransomware attacks.
  •   •   Monitor the Attack Surface: FireCompass continuously monitors the attack surface looking for suspicious changes in DNS or IP registration or suspicious processes that can indicate ransomware susceptibility. This helps organizations detect any indicators of compromise (IOCs) early, allowing them to respond quickly and limit the damage.
  •   •   Automate Security: FireCompass automates security processes, such as finding and patching vulnerable systems and communicating and prioritizing risks. This saves time and resources, allowing organizations to focus on other aspects of their security strategy.
FireCompass automatically and continuously identifies weak points in the attack surface that may be used by ransomware threat actors for initial access and provides recommendations on how to reduce the risk of ransomware attacks.
FireCompass uses threat intelligence to detect ransomware susceptibility by gathering data from multiple sources, such as open source intelligence, proprietary data feeds, and user-generated data. It then analyzes this data for patterns of suspicious activity, such as indicators of compromise, malicious code, suspicious ports and services, and other malicious activity related to ransomware. FireCompass combines this data with an understanding of the user’s environment, including the operating system and applications, to detect suspicious behavior and determine which devices and systems are most at risk of a ransomware attack.
FireCompass eliminates the need for extensive expenditures in external assessments and threat hunting for ransomware’s avenues of attack by doing automated security assessments that will reveal weak spots susceptible to ransomware so small businesses can shore up defenses before they are attacked.
  •   •   Phishing emails (30-35%)
  •   •   Malicious websites (20-25%)
  •   •   Exploit kits (15-20%)
  •   •   Network vulnerabilities (10-15%)
  •   •   Removable media (5-10%)
  •   •   Social engineering (5-10%)
  •   •   Software vulnerabilities (5-10%)
  •   •   Unpatched systems (5-10%)
FireCompass identifies ransomware risks in your attack surface by performing a risk assessment. The assessment involves identifying potential vulnerabilities, system misconfigurations, attack vectors, and malicious activity. It then provides a detailed report that outlines the potential risks and provides specific recommendations to mitigate them and prevent ransomware attacks. The report also provides details on the security posture of the system, such as security patches, antivirus protection, and firewall settings. FireCompass also offers threat intelligence and response capabilities to help organizations identify and respond quickly to ransomware threats.

Important Resources

Top 12 Talks On 'Red Teaming & Purple Teaming' From Security Conferences

We’ve put together some top talks from global security conferences that could help you get a hang on the debatable topic

13 Key Steps For Cyber Breach Response -CISO Checklist

We have listed a few breach response tactics that organizations need to keep handy for rainy days. Read to know more about how you can keep your organization safe. 

Top 10 Tools for Reconnaissance

Here we list 10 tools which can be used for Reconnaissance by Security teams in order to assess their own security posture against hackers. 

Get A Ransomware Risk Assessment

Discover Risky Open Ports, Exploitable Vulnerability & Exposed Data that can be Exploited by a Ransomware

Get a Free Assessment to discover your Ransomware Attack Surface

  • Exposed Vulnerability discovery susceptible to ransomware
  • Discovery of RDP and other exposed Risky Ports
  • Exposed Databases, Cloud Buckets, Risky APIs


Note: We will provide an expert walkthrough of your findings using the FireCompass portal and followed by an Executive Summary report. We are providing free assessments to a limited number of organizations only.

Request Demo

See your organization’s Risky Open Ports, Exploitable Vulnerability & Exposed Data that can be exploited by a Ransomware