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Shadow IT

Shadow IT in Healthcare Organizations

Shadow IT in Healthcare Organizations

Healthcare organizations and pharmaceutical companies rest on a foundation of sensitive patient data and intellectual property. Healthcare entities in the private sector – especially those affiliated with academic medical centers and university research facilities – also commonly face challenges of identifying and reining in shadow IT and mitigating the security risks posed… Read More »Shadow IT in Healthcare Organizations

6 Must-Know Facts About Shadow IT

6 Must-Know Facts About Shadow IT

Shadow IT refers to IT applications and infrastructure that are managed and utilized without the knowledge of the enterprise’s IT department. Shadow IT risks exists in most organizations but most IT leaders and CISOs underestimate about its reach. In this blog, we will uncover the important facts that every business… Read More »6 Must-Know Facts About Shadow IT

Recommendation to Prevent Shadow IT

Recommendation to Prevent Shadow IT

Shadow IT have many potential risks that can have an impact on organizations. These Five recommendations are that an organization can consider to prevent Shadow IT. Awareness: Communication is a key to prevent shadow IT and there needs to be communication on the policies and solutions that a company offers, as well… Read More »Recommendation to Prevent Shadow IT