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Continuous Automated Penetration Testing

5x Increase In Pentest Frequency And 100% Asset Coverage

"Traditional Pen Testing and Red teaming involves multiple tools and manual effort. FireCompass eliminates the need for repetitive manual effort.. significantly helped to improve delivery speed & the depth-breadth of testing.."
-CEO, Security Innovation

Discover 100% Assets, Find Critical Risks In 24 Hours & Validate Security Controls.

Traditional pentesting tool covers only 20% of assets, lacks scalability, and usually done once or twice a year.

  • 20% of the assets covered: Traditional Pen Testing tool will be able to cover only 20% of the assets in a single iteration. However, the majority of attacks happen on Peripheral assets i.e UAT Environments, Exposed Cloud Assets, Exposed Critical Network Services, Exposed Databases, Marketing Websites etc.
  • Yearly validation of Critical Risks & Security Controls: Vulnerability Analysis reports and CVE exposure on daily or weekly basis create Alert Fatigue. Similarly, Weak or Leaked credentials can be exposed at any point of time. New variants of Ransomware evolve on a weekly or monthly basis. All of these risks will be validated yearly by a traditional pentest. 
  • Non scalable and repeatable: Traditional Pen Testing is carried out by Human Security Analysts. It will cost 12x more to scale the traditional pentest to monthly frequency. As per industry stats, the world needs 2M additional Security Professionals to meet the current industry needs. Additionally, without automation, human security professionals will be bored and unhappy.
Continuous Automated pentesting covers only 20% of assets

Single Platform For Continuous Recon, Risk Hunting and Attack Emulation

How FireCompass Helps

No Interruptions. No Deployment. No Hardware. No Agents.


FireCompass Recon Platform conducts continuous probing, captures banners, fingerprints services, and utilizes advanced graph algorithms for contextual attribution. It indexes domains, subdomains, IPs, service banners, web app pages, and public code, creating a vast searchable graph of entities and relationships, forming a preciseAttack Surface.

Risk Hunting

FireCompass Platform uses continuous risk hunting playbooks to identify critical risks in 24-72 hours. The platform utilizes Multi-Stage Hunting Playbooks to launch over 30,000 attacks and checks on your Network, Web, Cloud, and other assets from our geographically distributed sensor network. We continuously test 100% of your assets to uncover all security risks.

Attack Emulation

Firecompass Platform validates risks and security controls through safe attacks and exploits on the exposed attack surface. It utilizes adversary emulation playbooks grounded in industry and threat intelligence. Employing multi-stage attack trees, the platform orchestrates attacks to validate exploitability and assess security controls effectively.

Continuous Recon

Your Attack Surface is constantly changing, and Adversaries are constantly evolving. FireCompass platform performs continuous recon to discover 100% of the Attack Surface. The FireCompass platform works by doing:

  • FireCompass Recon Platform conducts continuous probing, captures banners, fingerprints services, and utilizes advanced graph algorithms for contextual attribution. It indexes domains, subdomains, IPs, service banners, web app pages, and public code, creating a vast searchable graph of entities and relationships, forming a precise Attack Surface.
  • Detect Delta changes in your Attack Surface to perform continuous risk hunting.
FireCompass Recon Platform
FireCompass combines Passive Recon with Active Testing to validate & prioritize real risks

Continuous Risk Hunting

FireCompass Platform identifies critical risks within 24-72 hours and covers 100% of your assets. FireCompass provides varied risk hunting playbooks, mimicking recent threat actors through automation. Utilize these ready-made playbooks to launch multi-stage attacks, including ransomware, LOG4J, CISA Alerts, critical infrastructure, web applications, stolen credentials, and social engineering. The FireCompass platform provides attack and hunting playbooks to:

  • Increase Automation & Faster Analysis to free your penetration testers to focus on more challenging work
  • Emulate latest threat actors such as Chinese State-Sponsored actors, Russian Threat Actors & more
  • Evaluate susceptibility to multiple ransomware flavors
  • Conduct DAST and OWASP Top 10 attacks on web based applications
  • Perform active social engineering attacks with phishing playbooks

Continuous Attack Emulation

FireCompass platform uses multi stage attack trees to orchestrate real adversary emulation, exploit CVEs to validate risks, and credential attacks to identify credential exposure, and gains initial access point to validate security controls. The FireCompass Attack Emulation has multiple benefits such as :

  • Elimination of alert fatigue by only responding to validated attacks
  • Adversary-based prioritization that validates attack methods nation-state actors or cybercriminal groups are known to use
  • Prioritize high-risk vulnerabilities that are most likely to be exploited
  • Attack validation also filters out false positives, if the attack fails, so will attackers
  • Access & improve the effectiveness of your security tools, SOC, and managed security partners
Continuous Attack Emulation

FireCompass Featured In Gartner® Hype Cycle For Automated Penetration Testing And
Red Teaming 2023

Benefits of Using FireCompass

Assets Coverage

Conduct Continuous automated Pen testing on 100% of Assets as compared to 20% of assets in traditional Pentest

10x Pen Testing Frequency

Scale your continuous automated penetration testing to monthly frequency as compared to yearly traditional pentest

50x Reduction of Risk Window

Identify most critical risks within 72 hours, and validate Security Controls at least monthly

Cost Saving

Save upto 80% of your SecOps Bandwidth by Focusing on Prioritized Risks

Frequently Asked Questions

FireCompass Continuous Automated Pentest enables enterprises to elevate their bi-annual Pentest exercises to a monthly frequency, while simultaneously ensuring 100% of assets are covered in each automated Pentest cycle. It offers 5x the benefits compared to employing additional resources for conducting traditional pen tests monthly. Additionally, the FireCompass Platform features a Continuous Threat Monitoring mode that identifies the most critical risks within 72 hours, significantly reducing the overall exposure window of a critical vulnerability.

  • Continuous monitoring and penetration testing are beneficial for organizations regardless of their need to comply with regulations like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI. These practices can help avoid the substantial penalties associated with breaches by enhancing security, even for entities not subject to specific compliance requirements. Continuous automated penetration testing, in particular, plays a crucial role in maintaining robust security measures.

An Automated Penetration Test attempts to exploit vulnerabilities to prioritize their remediation. In contrast, an Automated Vulnerability Scan merely identifies CVEs and vulnerabilities in an asset, assigning scores based on static CVSS metrics. An Automated Penetration Test also uncovers a series of attack steps, known as attack trees, which may involve CVEs, authentication attacks, web application vulnerabilities, process injection, lateral movements, etc. This approach helps to minimize noise and alert fatigue, and it uncovers new attack paths that vulnerability scanning might miss.

With FireCompass Continuous Automated Pentesting, organizations can expect thorough monthly automated penetration tests covering 100% of assets to identify vulnerabilities. It includes continuous daily monitoring for Critical Vulnerability Exposures (CVEs) with immediate alerts for critical threats. Additionally, users gain access to a comprehensive portal featuring detailed reports, a real-time dashboard, and over 100 tailored attack playbooks designed to address specific vulnerabilities on your attack surface, enhancing your cybersecurity posture significantly.

FireCompass Automated Continuous Pentest is performed monthly on 100% of your assets to uncover recent and new exploitable vulnerabilities. Additionally, the platform features a continuous Day 1 CVE monitoring mode, which identifies and alerts you to newly published CVE exposures within 72 hours.

  • An Automated Pentest typically requires 3 to 15 days to cover 100% of assets, encompassing different types of network and web assets, with the duration varying based on the size of the attack surface. The scheduling of tests is designed to minimize the impact on the performance of your services and web applications. In certain instances, Automated Pen tests may throttle testing to ensure the impact on your attack surface remains minimal.

Are you struggling with Alert Fatigue from Scanners or threat intel feeds?
Is your pentest vendor able to cover 100% of assets? As per our research, a typical pentest just covers 20% of assets
Are you worried about breaches and ransomware in your industry?
Is your industry highly regulated and compliance-driven? There can be hefty fines in case of non-compliance

Then Continuous Automated Pentesting can help your organization to cover all the above concerns, and improve the overall security posture of your organization.

Important Resources

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We have listed a few breach response tactics that organizations need to keep handy for rainy days. Read to know more about how you can keep your organization safe. 

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Top 10 Tools for Reconnaissance

Here we list 10 tools which can be used for Reconnaissance by Security teams in order to assess their own security posture against hackers. 

About FireCompass

FireCompass is a SaaS platform for Continuous Automated Pen Testing, Red Teaming and External Attack Surface Management (EASM) that acts as an integral part of a good exposure management program. 

  • Single Platform for Attack Surface Management and Automated Penetration Testing & Red Team
  • Daily Risk Port Scanning & Adversary Emulation through multiple Attack Playbooks
  • Prioritized Risks with real-time alerts for faster detection and remediation

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