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Gartner Features FireCompass In Innovation Insight For Attack Surface Management

Innovation Insight For Attack Surface Management - Gartner Feature Firecompass

Organizations have to manage a growing attack surface as their technological environments become increasingly complex and dispersed. However, most organizations lack the capability to validate control coverage and quantify digital and cyber risks effectively.

According to this Gartner Report on Attack Surface Management, security and risk management leaders responsible for managing their organization’s attack surface as part of the security operations function should:

  • Align their security program to address the threats posed by new technologies and business initiatives by investing in a better understanding of the continuous expansion of their organization’s attack surface.
  • Create attack surface management (ASM) processes to implement technologies and prioritize risks. Initial efforts should focus on the need for, and deficiencies in, attack surface visibility.
  • Match tools and services that provide attack surface assessment (ASA) capabilities to the most important attack surface use cases. ASA capabilities support overlapping, but not identical, types of assets and ASM capabilities.

Why FireCompass Is Featured In Gartner Innovation Insight For Attack Surface Management?

FireCompass Attack Surface Management Solution helps organizations to continuously identify, prioritise and monitor risks from internet-facing assets & systems including shadow IT, exposed databases, cloud buckets, risky ports, misconfigured infrastructure, code leaks & more.

Please click here to know more about FireCompass Attack Surface Management Use Cases.

Top 3 Benefits & Uses Of Attack Surface Management

  • Improved asset visibility helps organizations to avoid security blind spots and shadow IT.
  • Understanding potential attack paths toward assets helps organizations prioritize security controls.
  • Actionable intelligence and meaningful metrics can be tracked over time.