We are proud to announce our new release with a number of exciting features and enhancements. Our product team has worked hard to make this release happen on time. We have improved our Dashboard, introduced Event Center, improved ease of launching playbooks, and improved stability and performance of the platform.
New Product Updates:
Improved Dashboard: Improved presentation of the existing Dashboard by restructuring the layout. It is now divided into two parts: Attack Surface Dashboard and Risks & Insights Dashboard. Attack Surface Dashboard will provide a week wise trend of delta changes related to your external attack surface. The Risks & Insights Dashboard will give instant visibility into most critical risks and exposures.
Event Center: Event Centre provides the ability to view playbook findings and attack surface delta changes at a single place so that security analysts can further perform triage and validation. Event Center can perform the deduplication of findings automatically, saving Security Analysts precious time. This will be useful for an organization’s security team who can validate the security testing findings before sharing them with engineering and IT teams for fixing.
Risk Centre (Preview Release): Risk Center provides the ability to view and manage validated security findings on the entire attack surface. It is more risk focused, not limited to playbook-only events. The Security Team can share these validated findings to engineering, IT and SOC teams to initiate remediation.
Improved navigation of Playbooks: The platform has improved the ease of navigation through the most common and critical playbooks such as Credential Stuffing, Ransomware Susceptibility, and Vulnerability Assessments Playbooks.
Platform Stability and Performance Improvement: This release brought in improvement in the areas of performance and stability of the FireCompass Platform thereby addressing some of the key issues reported by the users. The overall improvement in stability was achieved by implementing multiple minor enhancements to targeted areas of the platform. The latency of loading timeline graphs on the dashboard for the larger attack surfaces has reduced.
UX 2.0 – Finally as an important update, we are continuously working to roll out our UX 2.0 by July 2023. We will be able to release a preview version by Jun 2023.
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"The tool has exceeded our expectations"
- Risk Manager, Sprint USA (now part of T-Mobile)

Single Platform For Continuous Discovery & Testing Of Your External Attack Surface
External Attack Surface Management (EASM)
Identify all IPs, Applications, exposed database/cloud buckets, code leaks, leaked credentials, vulnerabilities, exposed test/pre-production systems, etc.
Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART)
Launches multi-stage attacks on your attack surface and identifies the breach and attack paths.
Ransomware Attack Surface Testing (RAST)
Discover ransomware attack surface and it’s risk by scanning entire internet for risky assets potentially belonging to the organization
Important Resources
Ransomware remains the greatest challenge for security executives in almost every industry. Download data sheet to find out more…

We have listed a few breach response tactics that organizations need to keep handy for rainy days. Read to know more about how you can keep your organization safe.