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5 Ways To Manage
Ransomware Risks For CISOs

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Ransomware attacks globally have gone up by 102% in 2021 compared to last year. Cybercrime Magazine reports that Healthcare, Insurance, and Utilities are among the most vulnerable industries to ransomware attacks based on the number of weekly attacks per organization.

Hackers exploit internet infrastructure vulnerabilities, RDP ports, application vulnerabilities, unpatched vulnerabilities, shadow IT assets, and open databases to launch attacks. To avoid being hit by ransomware, organizations need to discover and constantly monitor their attack surface and be prepared with the right set of tools and strategies.

At FireCompass, we help organizations constantly monitor the ransomware attack surface and discover potential vulnerabilities in open ports, unpatched servers that might be vulnerable to ransomware attacks.

Download Data Sheet

Download the data sheet to know the best ways to manage ransomware attacks in your organization.

Inside This Report:

  • Importance of testing your security preparedness
  • Ransomware prevention strategies for CISOs
  • The Best Ways to Manage Ransomware And more

"The tool has exceeded our expectations"

- Risk Manager, Sprint USA (now part of T-Mobile)

FireCompass Use Cases

Single Platform For Continuous Discovery & Testing Of Your External Attack Surface

External Attack Surface Management (EASM)

Identify all IPs, Applications, exposed database/cloud buckets, code leaks, leaked credentials, vulnerabilities, exposed test/pre-production systems, etc.

Continuous Automated Red Teaming (CART)

Launches multi-stage attacks on your attack surface and identifies the breach and attack paths.

Ransomware Attack Surface Testing (RAST)

Discover ransomware attack surface and it’s risk by scanning entire internet for risky assets potentially belonging to the organization

Get A Hacker's View Of Your Attack Surface