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Priyanka Aash

Top 4 Risks That Can Be Mitigated Through Digital Footprint Monitoring

Digital Footprint is the information about the organization that exists on the Internet as a result of their online activity. Organizations’ digital footprints are expanding and changing at a formidable rate. Employees, suppliers and other third-parties are exposing sensitive information without their knowledge. This sensitive data can leave organizations exposed… Read More »Top 4 Risks That Can Be Mitigated Through Digital Footprint Monitoring

Top 5 Recommendation for Cybersecurity Benchmarking

Cybersecurity Benchmarking is a well-established practice among successful organizations, but the areas these organizations choose to benchmark have not always evolved with changing business concerns. The number of Cybersecurity threats across all industries around the world is increasing tremendously. Today’s organizations predominantly struggle with the protection of their aforementioned critical… Read More »Top 5 Recommendation for Cybersecurity Benchmarking

How Missing Continuous Monitoring Makes Third-Party Risk Management Programs Ineffective

Many organizations have hundreds of vendors and the Third-Party risk exposure is one of the biggest threats. Most of the organizations depend upon partners, vendors, suppliers, contractors and other third-parties for day-to-day operations. Each of them presents some potential risk to the organization. Third-Party Risk Management programs helps in assessing… Read More »How Missing Continuous Monitoring Makes Third-Party Risk Management Programs Ineffective